
Our Coaching approach consists of two products, Executive Coaching and Performance Coaching...

Executive Coaching

A performance focused framework that involves working with a senior leader to deliver improved results on a personal, team and organisational (PTO) basis. The coaching process can involve 1-1 coaching or team coaching of senior leaders. Paul has extensive experience of coaching at Executive level as well as a background and exceptional track record in an Executive business capacity. He is passionate, engaging and skilled in coaching and communication techniques and this ensures a great coaching experience.   Paul's focus will be on helping you bring about step changes and sustainable performance improvements, whilst providing a secure and confidential coaching environment.

The Executive Coaching Stages:

1. Introduction of the Executive Coaching framework and personal background including a reality check on past, present and future context. This process often involves a tripartite process bringing together the Executive and their manager.

2. Implementation of a feedback tool or tools which can include 360 feedback and/or psychometrics.

3. Feedback of 360 and/or psychometric tools within a focused developmental framework which creates specific development objectives aligned to performance goals.

4. Commencement of a series of coaching sessions designed to address the agreed developmental and PTO goals over a period of 6 months.

As with all of our programmes Executive coaching can be offered in a virtual online format.

Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching via online or telephone. This coaching product offers a flexible approach to provide just-in-time coaching on a pull down basis. Coaching can be provided at short notice from as little as one hourly session to a discounted coaching package of up to 3 sessions. This product is ideal for urgent business problems, sporting challenges and work-life balance interventions. Coaching can be via phone or online technology such as Skype or Zoom.