The power of purpose

In this Collingwood Executive Search podcast hosted by Jennifer Jones, Paul explores the role of a company purpose and considers why organisations may want to use such a visionary leadership approach to achieve high performance. It looks at how you can create and embed it in your organisation through the use of new evidence-based approaches which offer organisations ways to identify and align their purpose with their employee’s motivation and behaviour and thus drive greater business efficiency, growth and profit. Click the button below to go to access the podcast

Developing human resilience

Guest lecture for Scholars School System (Leeds Trinity University)
To access the lecture click below and enter the passcode GU&$j0Ei

Rachel Ball - Resilience in Action

As Rachel's Resilience Coach I have evidenced resilience in action during the time leading up to her being crowned World Boxing Council Super Bantamweight World Champion. Rachel continues to fulfil a leadership role in Social Care whilst being an elite professional athlete. To do either is amazing - to do both is truly remarkable. Rachel adopts a purpose-driven approach supported by a super diligent physical regime, an awareness of her emotional drivers and a supportive network of family, friends, coaches and sponsors. Well done Rachel and Team Ball!